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Recycling and Waste Terms Every Business Should Know

Written by Shelby Bell | Feb 9, 2018 8:29:40 PM


In the world of waste and recycling, there are a lot of terms that might sound like a different language if you're not familiar with them. You might have heard of a "MRF", but what is it and why does it matter to your business? To help your business understand more about the waste and recycling industry, we defined some commonly used terms every business should know, so your business can get the most out of its services!


Annual Percentage Increase Annual price increases introduced yearly. Typically ranges between 5-20%
depending on operations

Container Options

The type and size of materials you recycle will determine your container options

Haul Cost

A set-cost that is associated with each pick-up


Materials Recovery Facility
These facilities receive, separate and prepare recyclables for the end user

Pick-up Frequency

A service that is picked up with the same frequency each week or month


The amount of materials produced measured in tons

Carbon Footprint

The measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide our activities produce


Any material, substance or object that decreases the value of your materials or make them unrecyclable

Landfill Diversion Rates

The amount of waste that is diverted from landfill, as a result of effective recycling or waste reduction


Municipal Solid Waste
Everyday trash or garbage thrown away and taken to landfill

Recycling Rate

The percent of materials that your business successfully recycles

Waste Corral

Area where receptacles are staged outside of your business


Organic materials (such as food scraps and yard waste) used to create a nutrient-based soil


Electronic waste that can be reused, such as computers, phones, televisions, etc.

Mixed Recycling

The collection of plastic, certain metals and glass


Old Corrugated Cardboard


Meeting our own environmental needs without hurting the ability of future generations to meet their needs

Zero-Waste To Landfill

A strategy that states 99% of the waste your business produces will be diverted from landfill meaning all waste is recycled

Do you have other waste and recycling terms you need help defining? Leave us a comment below and we will be happy to help you! You can also always get in touch with us here. Thank you for reading!